Poipoia supports your work in centering Taiao
Poipoia provides a full spectrum of services, from policy, planning and consenting support to on the ground Taiao project management and restoration, we have an experienced team ready to provide helpful and bespoke advice to your unique needs. We specialise in freshwater and oceans, geothermal and climate change matters. We also have strong expertise in wānanga facilitation and hui with bilingual staff available to support your te reo requirements. Poipoia specialised in engaging in advocacy efforts to influence policy and decision-making at local, regional, and national levels, ensuring that the interests and rights of our Taiao are represented and protected
Planning Advice
Poipoia provides innovative options to deliver outcomes through planning to support your work within the resource management system. Iwi and hapū management plans, submissions, consent facilitation and supporting councils to make your policy fit for purpose are some of our focus areas.
We provide support to keep up to date on fast moving reforms and assisting you to prepare and participate where needed.
Poipoia delivers fast and technically sound advice on all planning kaupapa.
Access to experts
Poipoia is on board the Access to Experts panel and can be requested via the Access to Experts portal. A2E is a free service that’s been set up to provide funding support for Freshwater Management and Planning Support.
“We connect iwi and Māori, regional council staff and local community and catchment groups to freshwater experts who can provide guidance and support on everything from nutrients and sediment to wetlands and mahinga kai”
If you have a freshwater project that you might need help with, please feel free to request Poipoia deliver this mahi with and for you.
Cultural Impact and Values assessments
CIA's are invaluable tools, if done correctly. Poipoia are experts in developing CIA's which reflect the voice of the affected tangata whenua.
When CIA's accurately detail the position of mana whenua, the solutions are within reach and can enable a deep and long-lasting relationship with tangata whenua partners.
Mana whakahono a Rohe Agreements and Arrangements with whānau, hapū and iwi and Te Tiriti partners
Poipoia have negotiated successfully Joint Mangement Agreements and Mana Whakahono a Rohe Agreements between Iwi, hapū and Councils. We are able to successfully navigate the complexities to help facilitate outcomes at a system level to improve the state of relationships and Taiao in communities.